October 19, 2000
Good friends are hard to come by, and good friends who knit are even more rare.
Joining the Fold
Last week I had the great pleasure of teaching my oldest friend how to knit. After all these years of friendship, something
clicked and she finally declared, "I'd really love to knit."
Off we went to the yarn shop, where I helped her pick her very first pattern, yarn, and needles. At the end of her visit, I packed
her up on the plane with her knitting supplies and sent her off into a yarn-filled future.
Back to the Basics
What a treat to view knitting through the eyes of a beginner. It's possible to get this experience from books as well.
This week I review Debbie Bliss' "How to Knit," which is perfect back-to-school reading for any knitter
in need of a refresher course. And in the yarn department, I review a lovely hand-dyed Merino from Mostly Merino in Putney, Vermont.
P.S.-Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, use our simple Tell a Friend form and let them know about us.

New This Week...
Yarn Review:
Mostly Merino is Entirely Fabulous
If you like the look of "old-fashioned" wool yarn but don't like anything scratchy, Margaret Klein Wilson's hand-dyed yarn is for you. It is light, warm, and best of all, unbelievably soft.
full review
Book Review:
How to Knit: The Definitive Knitting Course
by Debbie Bliss
It takes courage and patience to write a book like this. Fortunately, Debbie Bliss has both. But can she teach as well as she designs? We find out.
full story
Online Shop:
Norway Sweaters
Despite our best intentions, we can't always make knitted gifts for everyone on our list. That's where places like NorwaySweaters.com come in handy. Let's take a look!
full story
Knitter's Review Poll:
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Participate in our Knitter's Review Poll and you'll see instantly a tally of all the votes.
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