October 15, 2001
If you wondered why you didn't receive your newsletter last Thursday, it's because we didn't send one. Instead, you're getting it today.
Glorious New Digs!
Last week we relocated Knitter's Review to its new, permanent headquarters. The renovated New England farmhouse overlooks fields and rolling countryside punctuated only by a placid lake and blinking radio tower on the distant horizon.
We've more than doubled our library and yarn-swatching space, and we now boast a special "thrashing" room where we perform our merciless wearability tests.
The move took us offline a bit longer than expected, and I do apologize for keeping you waiting. The good news is that you get two newsletters this week -- one today and one on Thursday as usual.
In This Issue
Continuing our sock exploration, we look at the yarn that has taken the knitting world by storm, plus some new DPNs with a cute extra you'll be unable to refuse.
Next Subscriber Giveaway
Don't miss this month's subscriber giveaway, a special
sock-knitting prize! Stay subscribed and you could win.
Happy knitting!
P.S.-Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, use our simple Tell a Friend form and let them know about us.

New This Week...
Yarn Review: Regia Jacquard Turns Heads
Some call it a cheater's yarn, others call it a miracle. What is it about this odd-looking yarn that has so many people talking? We find out.
Read the full review
Needle Review: Regia DPNs
I'll admit it: I always fall for marketing gimmicks. But this one is cute and useful! Read on to learn more about what makes these hard-to-find needles unique.
Read the full review
Knitter's Review Poll:
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(c) Copyright 2001 by Clara H. Parkes. All rights reserved.
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