September 14, 2000
It's only the second week of September, but already the blueberry fields here in Maine are starting to turn. The summer visitors have packed up their belongings and headed home, kids are back at school, and daylight is becoming a precious commodity.
But for knitters, there's no season more glorious than fall, with its promise of many cold nights of knitting ahead. We take our handcrafted sweaters out of their cedar summer chests and make ambitious holiday project lists. Not to mention the hours we spend drooling over the latest fall yarns online and at our local yarn shops.
The Birth of Mohair
Since this month's focus is mohair, let's start by answering a key question: Where does mohair come from? A sheep? A goat? Or is there really an animal called a Mo? Read on for details.
In the yarn department, I've unearthed a wonderfully soft brushed mohair from our Australian friends at Cleckheaton. Also this week, a fast-knit yarn for those occasions when a not-so-beloved in-law asks, "Why don't you knit me a sweater?"
Blissful Knitting
Debbie Bliss by all accounts is the queen of children's patterns, evidenced by the fact that she now designs knitwear for Baby Gap. Her latest book focuses on Celtic-inspired patterns for the whole family. Can she make as much of a splash with her grown-up patterns? We take a look.
Finally, I'd like to extend a warm welcome to all the new subscribers who've joined us since last week. Enjoy!

New This Week...
Fiber Profile:
All About Mohair
Often known as "that fluffy stuff that makes me sneeze," mohair is actually one of the most versatile fibers in the world. It is shorn from the angora goat, a charming and inquisitive creature who grazes on anything and loves a good scratch behind the ears.
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Yarn Review:
Cleckheaton's Mohair 12 Ply, a Soft Alternative
Many brushed mohairs have a shiny, almost brassy texture. With its uncharacteristically high mohair content, Cleckheaton's Mohair 12 Ply is a pleasantly sumptuous surprise.
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Yarn Review:
Knit Projects Fast with Gusto
Here's the scenario: Someone you don't like a lot -- but don't want to offend -- has just asked you to knit them a sweater. Don't despair, Cleckheaton's Gusto is a fast-knitting mohair/acrylic alternative that's actually a pleasure to knit.
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In Print:
Celtic Knits: Over 25 Designs for Babies, Children, and Adults
by Debbie Bliss
Can the queen of cute do it again? |
 Buy it now at |
In her latest collection, Debbie Bliss takes her cue from traditional Celtic designs while adding a pleasant contemporary twist. Is this new territory for Bliss, or more of the same?
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