January 4, 2001
Every knitter has that one special
knitted item they pull out on gloomy
days. For me, it's a pair of exquisitely
soft socks I made several years ago
with a pure French angora yarn. I slip
them on my feet, and somehow all my
troubles melt away.
Introducing Angora
Prior to knitting those socks, I'd never been fond of angora.
My only experience of it had been in the form of cheap,
department-store sweaters that scratched and made me
But working with quality angora yarn is an entirely different
sensation - comparable only to knitting with pure butter.
This Month
We begin the New Year by exploring angora. First, you'll learn
more about the fiber, the bunnies that produce it, and why it
costs so much.
Then starting next week I'll show you a variety of both pure and
blended angora yarns.
Prizes Just Got Bigger
This month we're upping the ante with our newsletter
subscriber giveaway with a $50 gift certificate to
ForKnitters.com! Simply subscribe to our newsletter and you'll
automatically be eligible to win. We'll announce the winner on
February 1.
Happy knitting!
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New This Week...
Fiber Profile:
Adorable Angora
This luxuriously soft fiber doesn't have to make
you sneeze. Spun and blended correctly,
angora can feel like butter in your hands.
full article
Online Shops:
Free shipping and a stellar collection of sock
yarns make this shop well worth a visit.
full review
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