October 25, 2001

If last week's explanation of sock mathematics left you overwhelmed and discouraged, fear not. There's another way you can design custom-fitting socks without doing any calculations whatsoever: use your computer!

Socks for the Mathematically Challenged

This week I look at The Sole Solution, a beautiful new sock-designing program from Moran Software. I also review a new book of Christmas stocking patterns from Interweave Press.

This Month's Winner

After courageously allowing us to scrutinize her software, Mary Moran also donated one copy of The Sole Solution for this month's subscriber giveaway.

And the winner is... Joanne Slagle! Joanne, please email me to claim your prize.

Our next drawing will take place at the end of November, so stay subscribed and you could be next!

Happy knitting!


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New This Week...
The Sole Solution Sock-Designing Software

If multiplication and division make your head spin, don't despair. You can still create your own sock patterns using software designed specifically for knitters. We take one such program out for a spin.

Read the full review

Christmas Stockings
Tired of hunting through old craft books to find a Christmas stocking pattern? Call off the dogs, your book has arrived!

Read the full review

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