Knitter's Review
February 20, 2003

silk in snowBooks are like friendships. They come and they go, but a few trusted titles stick with you through thick and thin. I find this is especially true with my knitting books.

New knitters must build their reference library from scratch, which can be a challenge. Many of you have asked me for advice, and this week I give it.

Coming next week: a report from Stitches West and the final installment in our glitter series.


New This Week
Is it true that you only need three books to sustain a long and creatively fruitful knitting career? If so, which books are they? Find out.

Boutique Babe
What's funky and whimsical, with purple hair and a knitting project by her side wherever she goes? It's our new Knitting Lady pin, and she's coming next week!

In the Forums
Circular needles can present a logistical challenge when you have to carry them around with you. At the slightest provocation they quickly become a jumbled mess. What are the best ways to store circular needles when you're on the go?

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On the Web: Red Cross Retro
During World War I and World War II, the American Red Cross launched nationwide, volunteer-driven knitting campaigns to supply soldiers and civilians with warm clothing. This week I discovered that the Red Cross has made many of the original World War II-era knitting patterns available for free on its Red Cross Museum Web site.

February Flowers
Next week I'll pick one lucky newsletter subscriber to win a dozen long-stemmed roses. Stay subscribed and you could win.

As always, thank you for your readership. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!

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