Knitter's Review September 25, 2003
Three years ago this month I sent out the first issue of Knitter's Review to some 50 adventurous knitters. More than 150 newsletters later, with hundreds of yarn reviews, how-tos, book reviews, and shop profiles under our belt, aided by forums, the boutique, and the now-yearly retreat, we have just reached another milestone.
Earlier this week, our 14,000th newsletter subscriber joined us. This growth is exciting, and our mission remains the same: To provide quality information that helps knitters make informed buying decisions and ultimately have a more fulfilling lifelong knitting experience.
Thank you for your readership. Here's to another three years together!

Also New This Week
What a Difference a Spin Makes
Two yarns, nearly identical fiber blend, dramatically different results. How can this be?
In the Boutique: Calendars
It's time to start thinking about 2004. What better way than with the Knitter's Review 2004 Year in Yarn calendar?
Also, if you'd rather look before you buy, here's a list of shops that carry KR products.
In the Forums: Successful Substitutions
Is there a general formula for substituting a yarn of a different gauge in a pattern?
Forgot your forum username or password? We'll email them to you.
November Retreat Update
Food, fiber, and friendship are all in store during the second-annual Knitter's Review Retreat this November. Although the overnight portion is sold out, you can still join us on November 8 for the Saturday workshop. Stay for dinner and enjoy an evening of spinning and knitting by the large stone fireplace in our meeting room!
September Prize
Congratulations to Jennie D., winner of this month's newsletter subscriber drawing for a $50 gift certificate to I'll have another prize next month. Simply stay subscribed and you'll automatically be in the drawing.
As always, thank you for your readership. Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the forums!
P.S. Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, use our simple Tell a Friend form and let them know about us.

Knitter's Review Poll
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