Knitter's Review
April 17, 2008
Nature's Palette Silk and Wool laceweight yarn on a china saucer

All Darlene Hayes said was, "Can you make the yarn a little heavier?"

Her mill made a simple change resulting in this week's featured yarn. Naturally dyed by Darlene and sold under her Nature's Palette label, it's a lace-weight blend of wool and silk with an unusual twist—literally.

In the Forum: Off the Wagon?
Many of us have been on "yarn diets" for the last few months, trying to abstain from any new yarn purchases until we worked through some of the yarn in our stash. One such knitter finally caved this week. Is she alone? And is there something about spring that tends to inspire startitis?

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Happy knitting, and I'll see you in the Forums!
Clara Parkes

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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 1617 Blue Hill, ME 04614 207-326-9632