Knitter's Review
June 25, 2009
Spud & Chloe at TNNA

I'm fresh home from the summer TNNA trade show, which just took place in Columbus, Ohio. As usual, all the major yarn companies, designers, accessory manufacturers, and publishers competed for the attention of shop owners from around the world. The belle of the ball was an adorable new yarn line from Blue Sky Alpacas. Allow me to introduce Spud & Chloë.

This Week in Alberta
Head north to Old's College in Alberta, Canada, for Fibre Week, which begins this Friday and runs through July 3. There's a full line-up of activities including fleece shows and sales, a fashion show, and classes in knitting, spinning, dyeing, felting, weaving, and even wool judging.

In the Forum: Take Ten with Fran
Are you feeling overwhelmed with unfinished projects? You're not alone. Join many other Forum friends in a daily practice of Fran's 10-Minute Rule. You'll be casting off and darning in those ends before you know it.

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As always, I thank you for your readership and your support.

Have a great two weeks, and I'll see you again on July 9th!
Clara Parkes

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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 1617 Blue Hill, ME 04614 207-326-9632

This week's sponsors


Dream Weaver Yarns

Annie's Attic

Annie's Hook & Needle Kit Club