Knitter's Review
September 1, 2011 Many of us were knitting in the dark this weekend as Irene churned her way up the East Coast. As you may have discovered—and I dearly hope you didn't have to—knitting by candlelight gets old pretty quickly. Allow me to introduce the Stitch Light from Buffy Ann Designs. Meant to dangle from your neck, this tiny device produces a light bright enough for turning cables, performing open-heart surgery, or even landing a jetliner. This Weekend in Missouri Happy Birthday During the last 11 years of sleepless Wednesday nights, I've swatched more yarns than some people try in a lifetime. I've petted sheep, tested tools, gotten to write books, and tried my best to bring people together around a common love of yarn. Without your readership and the support of advertisers, my tree would have fallen silently in the forest. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for making this adventure possible. What do you say, shall we have some cake? Happy knitting, P.S. Do you have friends who would enjoy Knitter's Review? If so, don't hesitate to forward this email to them. Knitter's Review Poll Have you ever knit by candlelight?
On the Cover Illuminated stitches. Subscriber Services Having problems viewing this? %%webversion%% Did you miss a week? Visit our online archive of all past newsletters. Has your email address changed? Update your subscription: %%modifydetails_3%% Receive this from a friend? Join us! No longer wish to receive this newsletter? %%unsubscribelink%% © Copyright 2000-2011 by Clara H. Parkes. All rights reserved. |