Knitter's Review
October 10, 2013
A quartet of new yarns from Knitspot

You used to have to do a little hunting if you wanted anything beyond plain-old "wool" in your yarn. Today, not so much.

Knitwear designer Anne Hanson has been dipping her toes in the breed-specific yarn market through her yarn clubs, but recently she expanded her efforts with a new yarn line for the general public. Each yarn has its own weight and special blend of breeds. Here's a preview.

Coming Up
It's my book tour time! This Thursday night I'm at Third Place Books in Lake Forest Park, WA. Friday? Book Passage in San Francisco. On Saturday, I go back up to Portland for a reading at the renowned Powell's Books, while Sunday takes me to legendary Vroman's in Pasadena. The tour continues, with all the dates and details here.

In the Forums: New Needle Tastes?
Martha has a good question for us: Now that you've been knitting for a while, how have your needle preferences changed?

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As ever, I thank you for letting me be a part of your knitting life.

I'll talk to you again on October 24!

Clara Parkes

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Knitter's Review Poll

Do undyed yarns appeal to you?

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On the Cover

Samplings of Anne Hanson's yarns

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Knitter's Review P.O. Box 5276 Portland, ME 04101 888-653-5558

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Fiber Wild

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